The Gamer Girls Forming New All-Girl Clan To Compete (East Coast) is forming a new all girl clan to compete online and in tournaments. They are currently seeking East Coast gamers at this time. I know some of the gamers involved in this, and they could easily become the next big MLG competitor. Definitely contact them if you are interested. is forming a all girl clan to represent them at tournaments and on live in the following games:
Rainbow Six: Vegas Gears of War Halo2 Guitar Hero 2 Ghost Recon 1 and 2 Call of Duty 2 DDR SSBM Dead or Alive 4
and many more.Currently we’re looking for girls on the east coast to compete. But later down the road we will be looking for girls to represent on the west coast. Keep an eye out!
Contact bunnyXablaze on myspace for information.
Top photo of ‘bunnyXablaze’ by ‘Kezins’
the gamer girls, female, girl gamers, east coast, mlg, tournament clan, tournament level clan, bunnyXablaze
May 10th, 2007 at 9:02 am
I guess I should join this one too huh along with gamerchicks , Ack Lades & PMS! Sure , Why not! I should make my own!
May 12th, 2007 at 12:06 pm
This team is a little different than just joining. It’s a soon to be sponsered team. so we’re going to have to have requirements as far as the games play. I’m probably going to end up pissing off alot of girls by telling them they can’t join.
Welcome to the world of professional gaming -.- lame.