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Hirai: No immediate plans for price drop, may buy more developers

by JW


In an interview with Reuters, Sony’s Kaz Hirai had a lot to say about the PS3, ranging from how they intend to generate buzz, to rumors regarding a price drop, and a belief that Sony will ship eleven million consoles by March, 2008.

The news of eleven million shipped consoles comes on the heels of the news that Sony had bought developer Evolution Studios, who developed MotorStorm. However, don’t expect to see Sony stop buying up other developers, either. In an interview with Reuters, Kaz Hirai made it perfectly clear that Sony intends to continue to acquire developers in an attempt to stir demand for the PS3.

We are planning various steps to support our software and hardware businesses … I think we can do pretty good in terms of the target [11 Million consoles shipped by March, 2008]

Personally, I think all it’ll do is piss a lot of people off, but we’ll wait and see on that.

Reuters also asked Hirai about a possible price drop for the PS3. Hirai smacked down any hope for a price drop in the near future, saying:

I think about PS3 pricing every single day. It is that important a factor … But I am not planning any immediate pricing action now

Well, poo. I wouldn’t have expected a price cut from Sony so soon after their most recent one, however… damn. Still sucks.


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2 Responses to “Hirai: No immediate plans for price drop, may buy more developers”

  1. Ron Says:

    So, like they did after Betamax failed and Sony bought a bunch of movie studios to force a move to Blu-Ray, Sony’s going to buy video game companies to try to force people to buy PS3s? Nice.

  2. 1P Start » Blog Archive » Hirai: Sony to focus on PS3 software Says:

    [...] the same interview, Hirai stood behind Sony’s goal of selling 11 million PlayStation 3 units by the end of fiscal 2008 (which is March, 2009 or something). While Sony and the PS3 was slow out [...]

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