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Multicolored PS3s starting at $1,000

by JW

Are you on the fence about getting a PlayStation 3, but really don’t want to get it in the default chromed black? Do you have a pile of money that you’ve been thinking about setting on fire? Well, thanks to a company called XSS Corporation, you could get your hands on one of several multi-colored PlayStation 3s.

There are five colors currently available for bidding on eBay: Yellow, Red, Sky Blue, Pink, and Green. The starting bids for each are $999.99.

Look, I am not going to sit here and tell you how to spend your money. You earned it, and you can spend it however you wish. But if you wind up buying one of these, I fear your family will be ashamed for twelve generations.

Dumb shit.

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2 Responses to “Multicolored PS3s starting at $1,000”

  1. Ron Says:

    Wow, that’s… obnoxious. Now I’m blind. Thanks!

  2. 1P Start » Blog Archive » US & Europe To Get Japanese White Playstation 3? | Finally, Your Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 Will Match! Says:

    […] territories felt left out and wanted a piece of the white action. Don’t ask me why, it is just a colour after all. And it seems, after waiting a while, either to increase interest, or work out whether it would […]

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