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1PStart’s Gamer Girls Contest Entry #6 - Miz Calamity

by 1P Start



  • Name: Amanda
  • Age:20
  • XBOX Gamertag: Miz Calamity
  • X360 Gamertag: Miz HadeS

    The sixth submission for 1P Start’s Gamer Girl contest is ‘Miz Calamity’. 1P Start sat down with Miz Calamity to ask a few questions. Check out her full interview below.


    1P: First question. How old are you, and how long have you been a gamer?

    Miz Calamity: I’m 20 years old and I have been a gamer since I was 5.

    1P: Did you have a particular system you played on the most?

    Miz Calamity: Definitely the NES. Mario and Duckhunt were the best. I was really addicted to Duckhunt because the dog always made me laugh.

    1P: If only you could shoot the dog.

    Miz Calamity: [Laughs] I know! Some times he would annoy me so much I would actually aim the gun at him!


    1P: Would you call yourself a Nintendo fanatic?

    Miz Calamity: Definitely!

    1P: What systems do you currently own?

    Miz Calamity: Wow, good question. I had the NES, Super NES, N64, Game Cube, 2 Sega Genesis, Playstation original, PSOne Slim, PS2, PS2 Slim, XBOX, and the Xbox360.

    1P: A Nintendo fanatic with no Wii and 2 Genesis? Tsk Tsk.

    Miz Calamity: I know! I got the two Genesis systems from friends who didn’t want them anymore. I want a Wii but none of the stores have it around here! It’s so frustrating.


    1P: What would you say are some of your favorite games of all time?

    Miz Calamity: Definitely Zelda, and Final Fantasy games. I’m an RPG fanatic.

    1P: I have to ask, what’s your favorite Final Fantasy game?

    Miz Calamity: Final Fantasy 7 of course. Final Fantasy 8 had the best story though.

    1P: So the real question then, is how many Cloud/Sephiroth posters do you have in your room?

    Miz Calamity: [Laughs] I have two Final Fantasy posters, but neither have them on it.

    1P: Do you go to gaming tournaments, or are you a part of any clans?

    Miz Calamity: I have gone to a few gaming tournaments, mainly for Halo 2. I am a part of “ACK Ladies” and “The Gamer Girls”.

    1P: What game are you looking forward to the most?

    Miz Calamity: That’s definitely a tie between Halo 3 and Assassin’s Creed. They both look really great. I guess my opinion about Halo 3 might change once I play the beta.

    1P: Final question, who is the cutest writer for 1PStart? I hear that Mazz is a total dreamboat.

    Miz Calamity: [Laughs] Oh, totally. Mazz is definitely the hottest one out of them all.


    Thanks to Miz Calamity for her submission and taking the time for the interview. If your interested in submitting yourself for our ‘Gamer Girl’ contest, check out the official announcement HERE!

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8 Responses to “1PStart’s Gamer Girls Contest Entry #6 - Miz Calamity”


    Nice interview..Welcome to TGG..

  2. Diabla Says:


  3. Diabla Says:

    Phooey! I said I loved your interview, girly. You’re even hotter in these piccies. MWAHAHA!

  4. bunnyXablaze Says:

    :) I’m glad you entered!

  5. Babylinda Says:

    Wow girl you sure have a hell of alot of controllers! Niiiiiiice (Borat Voice)

  6. Miz Calamity Says:

    lol I know lol I have alot of systems and I finally got my room situated enough to show off my consoles :] YAY! lol..going back to pokemon now lol

  7. Babylinda Says:

    Have fun!

  8. Miz Forbidden Says:

    Hottie with a body!!! :)

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