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1PStart’s Gamer Girls Contest Entry #5 - bunnyXablaze

by 1P Start



The 5th submission for 1P Start’s Gamer Girl contest is bunnyXablaze. Here’s a brief rundown of “bunnyXablaze”

1P Start sat down with bunnyXablaze on AIM for a little chat and to see what makes her tick. The full interview follows after the break.

1P: First question, how old are you and how long have you been gaming?

bunnXablaze: I’m 18. I’ve been playing video games since I was four. (Big enough to lift the controller for duck hunt..) As far as playing competivily at events and stuff — Only about a year and a few months.

1P: Duck Hunt brings back some memories. I was more of a Sega guy back in the NES days though.

bunnXablaze: Well the first console I owned was a SegaGen.


1P: Good pick. The Genesis really dominated for it’s time.

bunnXablaze: I don’t think anything beats it really. All the games were fun… You bought a game for it back then. And you were drawn into it. It’s kinda a hit or miss now adays.

1P: Yes it’s definitely hit or miss. I regret buying some games all the time. Do you still enjoy playing casual games?

bunnXablaze: I love playing video games in general. I really only go to competitions about once month or so. As far as that goes.. I still have to get alot of practice in Gears, Rainbow 6, and Ghost Recon.. But when I’m not messing with one of those games. I like playing RPGS or action adventure games.


1P: Excellent. I really enjoy Gears but am not very good. For some reason, my strengths are in Halo and sports games.

bunnXablaze:Halo is a great game. I loved the campaign in it. But I just think the game is extremely over rated. It’s a well paced game.. That makes sure EVERYONE sees the end of the game.

1P: lol. I hear people say that. I might just be completely addicted..

bunnXablaze: But it’s just I get tired- when people find out I play video games.. that — and WoW are the first games they ask me about. It gets old after a while.

1P: Yeah. I never got into the whole WoW thing.

bunnXablaze: I play WoW. haha you saw on my computer that one day!


1P: I’m more of a Final Fantasy or Oblivion kind of guy .

bunnXablaze: I love Oblivion. I had about 150+ hours in it and I was only 2% done with the main quest. Haha. It was so aggravating. In Morrowind — there was a power issue. Like in two hits a crab could kill me.

1P: lol. yes Morrowind was more frustrating in the beginning.

bunnXablaze: I got so fed up — by being killed by crabs in Morrowind that I just stopped playing it. When I got out of the dungeun in Oblivion, I saw a crab. And had an AWFUL flash back. “Crap. I just wasted 60 bucks on this game. To get murdered by a crab again..”

1P: haha

bunnXablaze: But one hit — and the I conqured the crab. I was feelin’ pretty good. haha

1P: I would understand Morrowind if they were giant crabs


bunnXablaze: Hah. I wish I had a video of me getting murdered by the crabs in Morrowind. It was awful.

1P: Would you say the 360 is the system you play the most right now?

bunnXablaze: haha oh yes. I’m a Microsoft fan girl for sure. I’m afraid if I bought a ps3, I’d just use it as an over-priced over-sized ps2. I worked at GameStop for about a year and a half. And all I had when I started the job was a ps2. I was given an xbox by my manager. And fell inlove. The games were more… entertaining for me… on the xbox.

1P: The only reason I even had a PS2 was for racing games and Final Fantasy.

bunnXablaze: I never got into racing games. Which is probably a good thing with my driving record.

1P: lol. Are you driving now?

bunnXablaze: Yeah, I actually just bought a new car. Got my license back.

1P: Sports car?

bunnXablaze: It’s an 07 Cobalt LS.


1P: What’s more important? the car or your xbox?

bunnXablaze: Oh god. How about my xbox in my car? mmm. sexy! I was actually thinkin’ about picking up an elite 360 just for that.

1P: What would u say is your favorite memory in gaming?

bunnXablaze: I guess it was the first time I played competitively. I was playing DOA4 with some guys at an event about a year ago…But they were going to kick us off the systems, because they wanted to go ahead and have the DOA4 tournament. When I was walking away, one of the guys asked me if I wanted to tag with him for the tournament. I think we neded up taking 3rd place out of 7 teams. That was the first night I ever played DOA4. And it was my very first tournament. So I was extremely proud. I think that night — led me into this obsession with tournament gaming.

1P: If you could send out a message to the world about “female gamers” what would you say? I still think people don’t exactly look at it the way they should.

bunnXablaze: I’d yell at all the girls who are out and about to almost segregate girl gamers. I think we’re fine the way we are. We don’t need any special treatment.

1P: Is there any information you would like to add to the interview?

bunnXablaze: I’m currently involved with And we’re creating an all girl gaming clan. (No more than 15 members) We’re hopefully going to turn it into an MLG team. But for now we’re just going to go to events and play in smaller tournaments. And hopefully use the websites fan base, and my myspace fan base to build up a little bit of attention around the clan.

I’m also helping with the con possibly one of the most fun events I’ve been to. We’re hoping to get ALOT more people out this year.

Thanks to bunnyXablaze for her submission and taking the time for the interview. If you are interested in submitting yourself for your ‘Gamer Girl’ contest, check out the official announcement HERE!

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37 Responses to “1PStart’s Gamer Girls Contest Entry #5 - bunnyXablaze”

  1. Unknown Says:

    Pretty sexy…
    I wish I was a gamer girl! It’s funny though, I once knew this other gamer girl who claimed to be sick at all games…. Long story short, I beat her 3x in a row (so i guess im a gamer guy?)

  2. J.T. Says:

    Genesis sucks. There are many gamer girls but only one BunnyXablaze. And don’t you forget it.

  3. Darkmaer Says:

    agreed with the halo comment……..overrated and i see some of the stuff with halo 3 beta and it just looks like a more pretty halo 2 with a few new gadgets and maps.

    but keep it rocking bunny you rock!!!

  4. Martyn Says:

    Halo i never really got into, i mainly play PDZ, and final fantasy rocks. Bunny rocks your becoming an LEGEND :). if any1 has myspace add me

  5. Danny Says:

    Rock! nice interview! lovely photos. Love the GG site.

    lol. can I be anymore talkative in my comment?

  6. kretell Says:

    nice 1 good 2 c the gurls represntin the gamer world love the pics ur GG’s very own princess peach !! your eyes make me blush :P x

  7. Sackett Says:

    Great interview. Genesis rules. I’m glad you’re doing the clan thing. On to victory!

  8. KingJames Says:

    i learn more about you each time i read a new interview with you. sega genesis - i loved double dragon. well keep doin your thing bunnyx

  9. KingJames Says:


  10. spider_360 Says:

    great article. gorgeous girl i never wanted to be a controller/dogtag so badlybefore

  11. Eric Says:

    you rock my sox

  12. Spike1976 Says:

    lol bunnXablaze rocks!! Love the pic’s and the text! It’s always good to see women gaming. Would like to see some game video on your my-space. Anyway KEEP Gaming!!

  13. Her Boy Says:

    yea…ups and downs. nice article. one day i can’t wait to be at your side when you hit it real big! can’t wait to see that! :-)

  14. Paul Says:

    Jesus Christ don’t lick a controller. That things prolly loaded with germs and bacteria. You might as well stick a toilet plunger in your mouth.

  15. bunnyXablaze Says:

    Paul - What do you touch before you play games?! geh!

  16. Paul Says:

    Okay, think about all the places your hands have been. If you don’t wash your hands every ten seconds they pick up germs from everywhere. Let’s say you go out to a bar, don’t wash your hands when you come home, and come back to do some gaming. Ick. I’m only thinking about your best interests here.

  17. bunnyXablaze Says:

    Haha, Okay Paul. I have no life. It’s just gaming and work for me… But just FYI. My tounge wasn’t actually on the controller :)

  18. Brandon. Says:

    This girl is one of the best up and coming female gamers, so all controllers and gaming consoles beware. You’ve been warned. ;]

    bunnyXablaze = jedi

    jedi = god

    god = better than you

    and repeat. ;]

  19. bunnyXablaze Says:

    Hahah! Brandon! I love you!

  20. Paul Says:

    @bunny… Oh I forgot to answer your original question… you really don’t want to know.

  21. shawnphase Says:

    great article, great questions, great girl! liu katy =D

  22. Kezins Says:

    awesome interview..i never thought about licking my controller

  23. bunnyXablaze Says:

    it’s very rewarding. :)

  24. metalgears Says:

    I wonder if licking the controller gives you a +5 against crabs?

  25. bunnyXablaze Says:

    +5 to any 2handed weapon.
    and a spell that’s cast for 15 seconds called “anti-crab-shield”

  26. Scotty Says:

    Being genuine is always the key to success. If that axiom holds true, than we will be hearing much, much more about Katy Boyd in the future.

  27. Miz Calamity Says:

    Katy is just hot in general and +10 to licking the controller thats hot lol

  28. Dan Says:

    Yay! I love seeing Katy get more exposure. Is there any chance BunnyXAblaze and her army of GamerGirls will be at the WCG US Open in NYC this June? Rock on Katy!

  29. BRAVEHEART Says:

    The contest is on now!!!
    Great being will be a success at whatever you choose to do.
    Great comments..keep them coming.

    Are ya’ll game enough???

    mucho luv,


  30. Miles Says:

    She sure doesn’t look like a beleiveable gamer. But she deffinitly talks like one! Contest over! Mad love for the bunny.

  31. Babylinda Says:

    Cmann guys let her lick the damn controller! I know you all have had a fun night with the wii controller! Huh! Huh! *Nudges *winks

  32. Miz Forbidden Says:

    Yeah Katy!! You are so beautiful! Good luck to you.

  33. BunnyBlazedxXx Says:

    I heard she has crabs :(

  34. Miz Calamity Says:

    lol no she doesn’t

  35. bunnyXablaze Says:

    I have a crab that lives in my newts tank.. But that’s the extent of my crabs. :)

  36. Spinx Says:

    Damnnnn, i wish i had gamer gf lookin as good as you. We should play together somtime. (cod4 or corse) and ill regret getting my ass kicked by a chick lol

  37. Phillip Says:

    finally i find theres hope for me yet of finding a gamer gf in Sacramento. Like a blue moon.

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