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Nintendo Wii: 20 Million Served (soon)

by JW

Its stories like this that really drive me up the wall, readers. According to VGChartz, the Nintendo Wii is on the fast track to selling 20 million units. Keep in mind that the Wii was launched just over a year ago on November 19th, 2006. Doing the short on the math, that’s roughly 1.54 million units a month, every month. Of course, doing the math with the 1.8 million Wiis produced figure given by Nintendo’s George “I’ve Got My Mind Set on You” Harrison, there should be somewhere in the range of 23.4 million Wiis on the market. What further makes this an impressive feat is that the Nintendo Wii is on pace to ship 20 million units six months faster than the PlayStation 2 did.

Finding one should not be a near-impossible task.

Some other figures from VGChartz show that Microsoft is actually out-performing the Wii outside of Japan. Outside of Japan, Nintendo trails Microsoft in total sales by just over 1.5 million units. So what gives Nintendo the overall lead? Maybe it lies somewhere in the fact that less than four percent (530,000) of all Xbox 360 sales (15.32 million) come from Japan. Either way, as of right now it’s a two-horse race between Microsoft and Nintendo, leaving Sony to ponder how they can bring their PS3 back into the contest.


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