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Wii Fit Is Great - If You Can Find It

by Dave Parrack

Wii Fit has been out in the US for almost two weeks now, and has sold extremely well so far. In fact it has sold so well that the problem now facing potential fitness freaks is trying to find a copy of the game.

Online and offline retailers are already reporting shortages, and many people keen to get hold of a copy of the game to maybe kick-start a fitness regime are finding themselves out of luck. The incredible success the game enjoyed in both Japan and Europe has now definitely been repeated in the US.

The Nintendo Wii itself is still in short supply, even though it has now been out a year and half and you would think everyone who wanted one would have already got hold of one. But Wii Fit has increased the demand. The console may be cheap compared to it’s rivals the PS3 and Xbox 360, but the game is certainly anything but.

However, the price hasn’t put anyone off getting the game and the Balance Board which comes with it and enables users to take part in more than 40 activities which challenge the body and help to increase balance, flexibility and hopefully help to lose weight in to the bargain.

Nintendo seems to being blamed for the shortages once again. After the relative failure of the Gamecube last generation, the Japanese company has obviously taken a more conservative approach to hardware manufacturing, and lowered the ratio.

In an article in The LA Times, the weak dollar is also blamed as a reason because big foreign companies are finding they can make much more profit in other territories, especially Europe.

So by all means try and get yourself a copy of Wii Fit, but the biggest challenge may not be doing the exercises, it’ll be finding somewhere that still has stocks available in the first place.

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