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Unreal Tournament 3 - Windows Beta Here

by PacoDG

UT3 Is Here Bitches

Wow, when Mark Rein said that the UT3 demo would be here within two weeks, I did not imagine it would be this soon, I guess he didn’t either. In a move that is probably only really pissing off FilePlanet new subscribers right now who thought they would be playing first, the Unreal Tournament 3 Demo/Beta is here! Unfortunately, if you are subscribed to FilePlanet, you have basically paid for nothing (that’ll teach you to pay for a demo).

Then again, who knows, maybe IPs are being logged as to who is online with this leaked version, however, that is nothing I care about, I am currently downloading the demo as I type. Maybe this file won’t boot up correctly. Maybe this is the megaton virus trojan to end all trojans. At the moment though, I am guessing that it is a good file because there is a big fuss going on at the official UT forums right now, with all links pointing to the file getting deleted real quick. Someone posted a video of gameplay and it got deleted really quick, luckily I saved it and bring it to you (Yes, that link was actually posted, and yes, they actually deleted it… not a bunch of observant mods/admins over at Epic).

Without further adieu, I bring you, the link for the torrent download of Unreal Tournament 3 Beta/Demo:
(Clocks in at 741mb, click here to make sure your PC can handle it).

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